“With the speed of a comet, time continues to pass, allowing only those with the keenest of eyes the ability to see hours inside of the month. It’s Monday. It’s Friday. It’s first day of school. It’s winter break. I am 16, I am 50....


Performance Planning How often do you sit down with your employees and conduct a performance evaluation? This tool is one of the most important factors when determining how well your employees are achieving their established goals not only for their own development...

Behavioral Interviewing Guidelines

        HR Corner By Allison, Recruiting Manager Planning and Preparing For The Interview A formal, planned, structured interview is a valuable tool in assessing a candidate’s potential success for a particular position. By utilizing proper interview techniques,...

HR Corner By Allison, Recruiting Manager

JOB DESCRIPTIONS One of the most essential components to helping ensure success in a job is hiring the right candidate but how do you make sure you have made the right choice? The hiring process starts with a well-written job description. It is a valuable tool which...

Do you have a happy or sad customer?

Recently, I have been doing a lot of research on customer service and how to set yourself apart from your competition.  Through this research I have uncovered some great tips that I will share with you, but initially I want to expound on an observation I’ve made about...